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Sunday, July 29, 2007

time for an update bellywatchers! here's the latest shot taken today in the baby's room. we're enjoying hearing from friends and family (and all the guesses you have about the gender and arrival date of our little appleseed). auntie lindsay spent the weekend with us and she is helping us get ready for the big arrival.
today we had our first class - holistic childbirth preparation at the center for the child bearing year in ann arbor (a great place for you locals to check out!). we both learned lots and are looking forward to the next classes.

27weeks 4days

Monday, July 9, 2007

welcome friends and family! we've created this webpage

to share our journey into parenthood. enjoy...... s&c


our little apple seed is growing! here are some pictures:

3weeks 1day

13weeks 3days

17weeks 3days

21weeks 4days

24weeks 4days

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