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Sunday, October 28, 2007

40 weeks 4 days

Appleseed is still content living "inside". We are hoping he/she will be joining us soon. We know we have many excited/anxious family and friends waiting to hear the big news. (And some who have fallen victim to Grampa Jay's jokes/false alarms over the last week or so) -s&c
40 weeks 4 days

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Last night we finished organizing the nursery. All the laundry is done, clothes and toys put away, and diapers washed and ready to go. I wish we could take credit for the fabulous tree mural, but it was done by the previous owner of our home. We liked it so much we kept the room how it was waiting for the day that we'd have a baby of our own. Now, that day is right around the corner. In fact today is the official due date. We can't wait to meet our little one! Here are some shots of the room: the crib and butterfly pictures done by sarah's great aunt margaret
a diaper changing station

books, toys, rocking chair, and raggity ann and andy done by great aunt margaret!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

39 weeks 4 days

patiently waiting......or anxiously waiting, depending on who you ask.

39 weeks 4 days

Monday, October 15, 2007

38 weeks 5 days

Grampa Jay's wish is our command. Here is the latest belly shot. We are down to the single digits until the due date, so it could be any day now or in a few weeks...... "nobody knooooooows!!"
38 weeks 5 days

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

mama cindy's commercial

here's the links to the two commercials that cindy is in for her work.
(they're currently airing in michigan) she is famous!
enjoy -s&c

Sunday, October 7, 2007

37 weeks 4 days

Here's the latest shot, at the request of Grampa Jay. We are getting awfully close to the big day and we are both very very excited. Everything is still going quite well and I am feeling great!
37 weeks 4 days

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Appleseed and I took our last weekend trip for a while this past weekend with Grama Leisa and Grampa Jay to visit Uncle Brett in Chicago. Brett is quite the big man of Chicago (bmoc) and showed us a good time, we hit some nice parks, saw some sights of the city, and had wonderful food. Brett and I pulled the ultimate pregnancy card when we were waiting way too long to get seated for dinner Saturday night, we stood right in front of the hostess stand and I subtly rubbed my belly and talked about being hungry. We got seated awfully quick after waiting for 45 minutes past our reservation time! Much to Grandpa Jay's dismay the baby did not make it's debut in the van on the way to or from Chicago.
Cindy worked hard on projects around the house while we were gone and started to install our new windows, which is pretty darn exciting!

coach/uncle brett & sarah in his luxury penthouse apartment

sarah, brett, and grama leisa at buckingham park

brett & sarah at millenium park

Monday, October 1, 2007

shower in e-ville

Another fun shower was hosted by Pat & Sally at the end of last month. Here are some pictures from the day.

c&s 9-23-07

the good stuff

pat, sally, & grama leisa

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