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Monday, March 22, 2010


..has sprung around here, even if winter keeps peeking it's ugly head in and out. The boys have been loving playing outside and getting fresh air. Here are some pictures that cindy took march 15, 2010. More to come from the last week/weekend once I load them from the camera.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

last week & weekend

Last week both Gramas came to visit us. Mima got to spend the night and hang out for two days with Cindy and the boys while I went to work - lucky guys! And on Friday Oma came over and brought Uncle Chad to visit.
We were are so excited about the warm weather that came last weekend. We spent Saturday morning at Eastern Market walking around and checking out the goods. Garrett was especially helpful because he brought his backpack so that he could carry some of the goodies. We aslo did some playing outside and took a few walks around the block. Spring is coming!
pajama time
snoozing ezra with oma

reading with uncle chad
we love eastern market!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

one month

It's hard to believe it but today Ezra is one month old! The shortest month of the year has surely flown by at record speeds as we have become a family of four. Ezra is doing great and continuing to gain weight and steal the hearts of his moms, brother, and all of his other family and friends. Garrett is continuing to love being a big brother and having some typical challenges related to big change in his world. Nothing that we all can't roll with!
march 2nd

more visitors!

Aunt Denise and cousin Kennedy came by for a visit to meet Ezra last week and see Garrett and Cindy. On the same day Jackie got to meet Ezra for the first time too!

aunt denise & ezra
jackie & ezramarch 1st
brothers march 1

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