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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

choo choo

We took the boys on their first train trip to Chicago this weekend to see Uncle Brett. Garrett loved riding on the train and Ezra didn't have any complaints either! Taking the bus, subway, and riding in the elevator "way up high" to Brett's apartment was also big fun for Garrett. While in Chicago we went to Lincoln Park Zoo on Saturday, which was another big hit for everyone. Of course Brett showed us a great time and we had beautiful weather!
While in Chicago Garrett was asked what color hair everyone has, and he responded: Mom has - "blonde hair", Mama "brown & grey hair", and Uncle Brett: "no hair!" We promise we didn't prompt him with this one! Garrett has become quite the chatterbox lately always telling us all about the world around him and asking lots of questions. He's been practicing everyone's name, yesterday he said that Mama's name is: "Cinny Bousley-Crane" and Mom's name is "Mom Richard Bousley-Crane". Ezra is doing great and growing a ton, he is developing quite a sweet personality and smiling a ton for his moms and brother.
waiting for the train in Dearborn
looking out
mama & ezra
mom & ezra
it was opening day - go tigers!
eating bagels with uncle brett
happy e
the family
mom, g, & uncle b

one of g's favorite animals

raaaar checking out the lions

little bro snoozin'


We colored Easter eggs by candle light this year. Biddle St. lost power for 8 hours or so the afternoon/evening before Easter and we had eggs to decorate - so we got out the candles and head lamps and got our eggs colored. Garrett loved being able to play with the flashlights. Eventually the lights came back on just in time to go to bed. Unfortunately Garrett was sick on and off all weekend and Easter morning saw him sick again, even in the middle of searching for the eggs! So, Mama and Ezra went to Grama Donna's and Garrett and I stayed home so not to spread the germs to the family. coloring eggs by candlelight
smiling ezra, mama, and not so sure garrett

" look what I did" mom, ezra, & garrett with the finished products

easter morning
great grams and ezra
great great aunt margaret and ezra
snoozing with great aunt joy

Saturday, April 3, 2010

visiting, visitors, and more!

Here are some pictures from our trip to E-ville a few weeks ago. It was our first overnight visit anywhere in quite a while. We went to celebrate Uncle Jack's 13th birthday (yikes!) and also for a "Meet Ezra Party" that Aunt Maria put on for us.
mom, mama, ezra, & grams ezra & great grams

We also had some visitors here on Biddle St last weekend - Lindsay, Dana, & Owen came to stay with us. The are more commonly known around our house as "Aunt Heiney, Aunt Neena, and Baby Nowen". We took the out-of-towners to Eastern Market and to our/their favorite restaurant Antonio's for dinner. It was great to be together visit with them and to see how much baby Nowen has grown since we first met him in December.eeastern market
ezra (almost two months) & owen (4 months)
Cindy is continuing to enjoy her time off work and having fun at home with the boys as she enters her leas month of maternity leave. Ezra had his two month check up on Friday and is doing great. He weighed in at 10lbs 11 oz and 22 1/2 inches long. While we took Ezra to the doctor Garrett got to go to the marshmallow drop with Uncle Jared and Aunt Elizabeth - big fun!!
checking out the helicopter before the drop

got the marshmallow...
and traded it in for a treat!

Here are some recent pictures of the boys playing outside and in the bath

bike riding

watching big bro play outside loving bathtime
tub time

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