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Sunday, November 18, 2007


uncle jared & aunt elizabeth with garrett

"alive alert awake and somewhat enthusiastic"

a pic from last weekend in front of the house with the stork that grampa jay made when uncles brett and jared were born. this stork has made its way around the family announcing the birth of many new babies.


Leisa Rose said...

This is a first, Grammie Leisa is the first to respond. Are you feeling ill Lindsey? How about you Grandpa Jay?
I was able to spend Thursday night & Friday with Garrett & we had quite an adventure. Went to the Fruit market, Target, the Dr's office and then to Ikea for lunch. Garrett really enjoyed the meatballs Lingonsylt sause. He is anxious to have more for Thanksgiving.
Grammie Leisa

Leisa Rose said...

Please help me as I am confused:

I was there when the picture of Jared and Elizabeth was taken. At the time I thought, "Oh, what a nice picture of Uncle Jared and Elizabeth". Upon returning home I performed my favorite task (checking this blog) to learn that Elizabeth is now "Aunt Elizabeth". Did something happen after I left??


Lindsay said...

i had been checking the site like a champ today (all week since wednesday actually), even talked to crane (sarah) about putting up new pics...then i got all suzy homemaker and now i've missed the first chance to comment. oh well, better late than never!

i think garrett could be a little more enthusiastic, but i love this picture...i think he looks a lot like his uncles!

Janel said...

I love the pictures! Can't wait to hold Garrett, I know he will like his Great Aunt Janoy. Glad to see Uncle Jared and Elizabeth made it home to Michigan.

Lindsay said...

we want more pictures...i'm sure Garrett has done some very exciting things since sunday and they need to be documented on his blog!!

Leisa Rose said...

Boy that Auntie Lindsay is high maintenance. Doesn't she realize that taking care of Garrett is a lot of work? Does she think that all Momma's Cindy and Sarah have to do is post pictures for her? She is one self centered Auntie. Lindsay it is Thanksgiving. Be thankful for what you have and what they have given us!!

Grammie Leisa

Lindsay said...

"grammie leisa," didn't you mean to sign off as g-dog???

Sara Anderson said...

Is it me, or does Garrett resemble a certain Uncle Brett? If I could see a picture of Garrett's toes, I might be able to tell for sure. I love seeing the pictures... keep them coming!


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