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Sunday, May 4, 2008

6 months old

Where has the time gone? Garrett reached the 6 month mark on Friday and he is doing wonderful. His favorite things to do are: roll around, play with his feet, read books with his moms, go for runs in the stroller,put anything in his mouth, and pet Zoe. Recently he's been able to get up on his hands and knees, so you know what is next!!! yesterday he went swimming at the pool for the first time and really liked it! here are some pics from our trip to visit grama & grampa and great grama & great great aunt margaret.
napping w/ grampagr grams garrett & gr gr aunt marg


Heidi said...


6 months.


Happy 1/2 birthday, Garrett! Can't wait to see you guys soon!!!

Leisa Rose said...

Swimming??? Please tell me he wore a life jacket!!

Garrett and I both decided that we needed a nap after making our plans to live on the beach in S.C. next January, February and March.


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