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Saturday, January 9, 2010

getting so close

Cindy is getting very very close to her due date - it is only one week away! The time has flown by for all of us, especially Cindy who has had a very enjoyable pregnancy. She is working her very last day of work today and is very excited about being able to be home and "relax" before the baby gets here. She has been experiencing some pretty typical end of pregnancy stuff, getting tired easily, aches, not sleeping well, and not being able to get comfortable, and she is doing so awesome through all of it. I am so very proud of her!

We are planning another homebirth (more specifically a waterbirth) with the same midwife that attended Garrett's birth. This will be extra special for Cindy because her mom was a midwife in Germany before she moved to this country. So we've got all the stuff ready, just waiting on baby to be ready to make his/her appearance.

We do not know the gender of the baby and we have lots of guesses for both boy or girl. At Thanksgiving Great Aunt Janel organized a "baby pool" for everyone to guess the baby's gender, birthdate, length, and weight. So far at least Great Grams is already out of the running because she guessed New Years Day.

Garrett thinks that he is having a baby sister (actually he says "baby ister"). He's had a lot of fun talking about the baby and speculating on what the name will be, "baby cookie" and "baby bike" get some good laughs out of him. He is very affectionate toward Mama's belly and loves to lift up her shirt and give the baby a hug and kiss when she comes in the house each night. Hoping at least some of this enthusiasm toward the baby stays around for a while!

Stay tuned for the big news any day now...

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