All is well on Biddle St. We have been enjoying the company of many friends and family over the last several days. Ezra had a check up at the doctor and gained a whopping 4 oz in less than three days. He is just about back to his birth weight and doing great. Hats off to Cindy and the big eater Ezra!
GET-Post Natal would like to remind baby Ezra of the following:
1. Garrett likes to throw things (hold on tight when he holds you Ezra)
2. The storm of the century will soon be upon us (start stockpiling breast milk..... before it is too late)
3. Luckily you have a VERY smart and GOOD LOOKING uncle who has already stockpiled enough water in the house to last for at least a month....... call me for its secret location!
4. When the storm of the century does hit your uncle Jared has a 1997 Buik Lasabre that is rated 10 out of 10 for winter driving, and this should be the only Crane/Bously car on the road
5. Wile it has been almost 48 hours sense i have seen u last i am now only taking jobs in Southern Ypsi (at a significant pay cut) in order to swing by.....un-anounced
6. We all hope you don't get your uncles spelling jeans!
Whoa Baby! At a loss for words again. Knock it off with the absolutely adoreable, awesome, incredible pictures. You are leaving me speechless. Life is good. Oh so very, very, very good!
Grampa Jay
Great to hear that Ezra is gaining weight like a champ! His new monkey sleeper looks adorable! :) Uncle Jared should definitely get the award for funniest uncle, based on the last two posts of his. Keep 'em coming!
Aunt Lindsay (and Owen)
I love the picture of Garrett and Ezra! How precious!!
What fun it was for Tessa to play with 'big brother' Garrett, and just amazing to hold that tiny bundle of love named Ezra.
Thank you for letting us come in so early on with this new addition to your family, what a Treat to hold a baby so brand new again.
As I said before, these boys seem to have an extended family filled with love & laughter, fun to watch & read. Garrett & Ezra are LUCKY guys to be born into this family.
Till Next Time!
T&T& Tessa who says
"Garrett has a FINE CAR collection!" she wants to play with them/him aain! LOL
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