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Saturday, February 6, 2010

more pictures

Here are more pictures from Ezra's first few days and the visitors that have come to see us.

ezra patrick day one
opa, oma, & ezra

grampa & ezra

mima & ezra with uncle jack and big brother garrett
mama & ezra

the family

the big brother

snoozing ezra

look at me!

uncle jared & ezra

ezra & great grams

grams, ezra, mom, garrett, & grampa

cowboy garrett playing with uncle chad

ezra & uncle chad


Lindsay said...

yay for more pictures!! we love ezra and garrett! :) looks like everyone is doing awesome!

Joy Hart said...

Thanks for sharing more pictures. Looks like you all are doing great. Can't wait to officially meet Ezra!

Joy and Keri

Leisa Rose said...

Whoa baby! Atta a loss for words again. You gotta quit doing that to me (I have a reputation to uphold)!

Grampa Jay

jared said...

GET-post natal, would like to remind you that in a recent panel babies ages 0-4 months have overwhelming picked uncle Jared as there favorite uncle, uncle Brett barely beat out the placebo effect making him the lamest uncle of all times!!

Janel said...

I am sooooo glad to finally see some pictures of Ezra! Can not wait to see him in person.

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