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Friday, November 9, 2007

visitors galore

the most popular baby on the block has had lots of visitors in the last few days....

garrett & uncle jack

garrett & uncle chad

garrett & auntie lindsay

garrett & cousin jean


Heidi said...

Very very cute! I love seeing everyone so happy! =)

How's Zoe doing with Garrett?

Leisa Rose said...

Yes, everybody does look happy. However (and I might be wrong), Garrett appears to have a look on his face that says, "I'd rather have Grampa Jay holding me".

Be patient Garrett, I will bring Grampa Jay to see you tomorrow.

Gramma Leisa

Lindsay said...

unfortunately I couldn't make the first comment on these pics...maybe because I was holding baby boy Garrett all evening! I love GRBC!

Kel said...

Congrats to you all! Heidi passed on the news and I just HAD to come and see the new addition to your family!


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