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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

new look & more pics

i was feeling like it was time for the blog to get a new look, so what do you think? here are some more pictures from last weekend....dinner time!
who me?
we went to the eastern market on saturday and i couldn't resist this pic

Friday, September 26, 2008

what a day with mama

garrett and his mama had quite an exciting day today. every friday they get to stay home and play together all day long and today there was lots of activity. they went for a run, a long walk, stopping at three different parks in neighborhood and then when i got home we all went for a bike ride. add a few naps and meals and that pretty much filled up his whole day. he went down very quickly tonight, which is no surprise.

cindy assures everyone that he didn't really go down the slide, she just posed him there.weeeeeeeeeeeee

garrett loves bike rides. thanks for the helmet grampa!

garrett can beat up chuck norris (don't you think jared?). go deutchland!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

apple orchard & picnic

today celebrated our two year wedding anniversary (a day early) with a picnic in the park and a trip to an apple orchard. for your locals: check out the frosty apple in dexter. they have the most wonderful apples are are run by a great couple julie and jack.
the family at the frosty apple, garrett was just waking up after the drive
checking out the cool tractor with julie
eating lunch with mama at gallup park (note the infamous mustard bottle) yummmm a taste of broccoli cheese soup

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

stepping & condiments

Yesterday Garrett took two unassisted steps!! I saw it again today when I picked him up frm day care, so I presume it wasn't a fluke! His mama (cindy) saw him take one step last week also! We're sure two steps will lead to three, four, five, and any day now he'll be walking walking, right?
Some kids have security blankets or favorite teddy bears that they carry everywhere, but Garrett has his security mustard bottle. He obviously has gotten his love for mustard (the superior condiment) from his mom (sarah). He has not wanted to let go of the mustard bottle from his play kitchen for the last few days, and protests when we have him doing things without the mustard bottle, nursing, having dinner, etc. He also has a mustard bottle at day care that he loves to play with. Obviously a life long love for mustard is developing before he's even tasted it.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

soccer pictures

last weekend at uncle jack's soccer games:

garrett has been living it up lately - he got to be babysat by both sets of grandparents last week! he loved playing with oma & opa on friday during the workday and with grama & grampa on saturday night when his moms went out to a work party. i'm sure grama got some posed shots with props that will surface's only a matter of time :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

it's about time.....

that we got some updates up here, considering it's been exactly one month since the last post. so today garrett is 10 months and he is full of all kinds of tricks that keep us amazed every moment of the day. he's super mobile now, no walking, but he crawls at light speed and cruises along furniture. i swear he did the sign for "more" yesterday and while he was eating dinner. he often says/mumbles something that resembles mama, but we aren't entirely convinced. he's facinated by cups (and practicing how to drink from them), snapping, being outside, opa's beard, crawling away from an impending diaper change, recycling, and zoe's water bowl.

we all survived our first week long camping trip as a family and we had a blast. we slept in a very cozy tent, met lots of great people, listened to fabulous music, enjoyed long walks in the woods, runs, dirty feet, sunshine, rain, good food, and quality time with just the three of us. since the trip we've been spending a lot of time with family and a whole weekend of puttering around the house. we sorted through, organized, and put away all the clothes that he has grown out of and it was amazing to see how small his first set of clothing was, it is hard to imagine that our g was ever that small!! last month at his nine month check up he was 19lbs 4oz and 29inches long, and surely he's been growing/gaining since then! enjoy the pics:

camping @ mwmf:

great grams & garrett august 17thg & uncle jack august 17th

10 months

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