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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

stepping & condiments

Yesterday Garrett took two unassisted steps!! I saw it again today when I picked him up frm day care, so I presume it wasn't a fluke! His mama (cindy) saw him take one step last week also! We're sure two steps will lead to three, four, five, and any day now he'll be walking walking, right?
Some kids have security blankets or favorite teddy bears that they carry everywhere, but Garrett has his security mustard bottle. He obviously has gotten his love for mustard (the superior condiment) from his mom (sarah). He has not wanted to let go of the mustard bottle from his play kitchen for the last few days, and protests when we have him doing things without the mustard bottle, nursing, having dinner, etc. He also has a mustard bottle at day care that he loves to play with. Obviously a life long love for mustard is developing before he's even tasted it.

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