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Friday, September 26, 2008

what a day with mama

garrett and his mama had quite an exciting day today. every friday they get to stay home and play together all day long and today there was lots of activity. they went for a run, a long walk, stopping at three different parks in neighborhood and then when i got home we all went for a bike ride. add a few naps and meals and that pretty much filled up his whole day. he went down very quickly tonight, which is no surprise.

cindy assures everyone that he didn't really go down the slide, she just posed him there.weeeeeeeeeeeee

garrett loves bike rides. thanks for the helmet grampa!

garrett can beat up chuck norris (don't you think jared?). go deutchland!

1 comment:

Leisa Rose said...

Sounds and looks as if GRBC and Mama had a great day. If I had taken him we would have added a stop at a hot dog stand followed by a treaty at DQ.


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